November 06, 2008

Obama Did It - Regardless of Race

It's no surprise to me that Obama will be the next president of the United States.

He is respected by many in his home state and he grew up like the rest of us common folk.

As the election polls were closing, it was quite apparent that Obama had a considerable lead over McCain.

I, like millions of other Americans, voted for Obama because we as a nation needed a change. A very big change.

The media outlets continuously reminded the world how historic this election was; Obama would be the first African-American president. Is this historic? Of course it is. Do you need to broadcast it for days on end? No.

While many African-Americans voted for Obama, a majority of all other races did as well. Obama was elected by the majority vote of this nation, regardless of race.

It would be a shame if African-Americans see hope for our future only now, because we have an African-American president in office. The fact is, the majority of the nation now has hope because we have a better person in office, regardless of race.

I've learned a lot from my parents. They successfully raised seven children, and we still all love each other. What I value most however, is my dad's humility, his honesty and how everyone I know has a profound respect for him. I once heard my mother speaking to someone on the phone. She commented that she had never heard anyone ever say anything negative about my dad.

I have always tried to live my life the way my dad is living his. Wherever I go,
whatever I do, I walk away hoping people will not have a bad thing to say about me. I was born to be a people-pleaser. I must get it from my dad. I can't be satisfied with life unless I make someone's job or life easier. It's just my nature.

I see some of my dad in Obama. I believe he has integrity. I believe he has the desire to help people. Others in his place, seemed to only want to help the rich.
Obama has felt the pinch of poverty, something millions of Americans live with every day of their lives.

So while this whole election thing may very well be historic, lets get over it and understand the real reason why Obama made it to the White House. We as a nation need a change. If we continue down the path we've been going for the past several years, this country will no longer be a place people will seek refuge. It will be a place people seek to escape from.

Copyright 2008 kalyhan All Rights Reserved


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