September 02, 2004

The Bald Frog With The Wig Question...

For those who caught the profile, you are given a random question or task to respond to, upon blog sign-up. Your reply then becomes part of your profile. My question or task actually, was to respond to the following statement. "The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig." After writing my reply, I learned that the system limits you to only a few words.

How on earth is anyone supposed to tell a story about a bald frog with a wig, using only a couple of words?? They could have told me that long before writing enough material for an entire children's book.

Instead of posting the story on the profile page, I copied it here, as stupid as it may be. I will probably regret it, because this story may just come back to haunt me when I'm older.

"Ok, Ok, Ok. Once upon a time there was this tiny, little frog named Franklin, who desperately wanted to meet the Princess. The Princess however, was going through this groupie-phase thing and would not give poor Franklin the time of day.

The Princess made plans with her friends to secretly skip the ball at the castle and head downtown to catch this new rock band.

Franklin begged Sam, the King's gardener, to take him to the show. Franklin just knew this would be the day he would win the affection of his one true love.

Well sure enough, Franklin and Sam made it to the show later that evening. Sam pushed and elbowed his way through the crowd until he stood right next to the stage. Sam reached into his vest pocket and scooped out tiny, little Franklin. Sam reached into the other pocket on his vest and pulled out a tiny, little wig. He centered it on Franklin's little, bald head. Sam lifted Franklin high into the air and Franklin leapt towards the stage, landing right smack on the piano keys.

Franklin - the Rock Star, was born. The Princess of course, fell head over heels in love with Franklin.

Yep, they lived happily-ever-after, when Franklin wasn't on the road touring, anyway."

© 2004 kalyhan All Rights Reserved.


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